By Omamori

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The Daruma is a traditional doll crafted using papier-mâché usually purchased at Temples to help you achieve a specific goal and give you strength along the way.

We’ve designed an Omamori honoring this symbol of luck, patience and perseverance to help you and protect you in your journey!


About the Daruma

Deeply rooted in Japanese society and beliefs, the Daruma has a very long and complex history. It was modelled after the Bodhidharma, a Chinese Buddhist monk from the 5th century who became the patriarch of the school of Chan Buddhism in China (which in turn later influenced the Zen Buddhism in Japan).

When you receive it, the doll has white eyes and is missing its pupils. The tradition is to paint one eye while committing to your goal and asking for help to the god. Once the goal is achieved, you paint the second pupil, giving the god its eyesight back as a thank you for helping you.
One year after receiving the Daruma it is common to return it to the temple and burn it, regardless of whether you succeeded in what you wished for. Some people keep it until the goal is achieved.

Even though it is very common to find them in Japanese restaurants and stores, the power of the Daruma is not limited to business related wishes.

The original color used for the doll, and still today the most common one, is red, but you can also find other ones represented in gold (linked to money and fame), in black (against bad luck) or even in green (symbolizing health and fitness)!

Traditionally, there’s a Kanji written on the Daruma’s belly and it is usually luck (that’s what we have in our case), fortune or perseverance. It is also very common to write what we wish for on the back of the Daruma to remind ourselves about the goal and to inform the Deity in an “official” manner. The Daruma are handmade and hand-painted, so no two dolls have the exact same design!



Blessing: General Luck (開運祈願 - Kaiun Kigan)


Product details

Material: cotton
Size: 75 x 45mm / 3 x 1.8in
Weight: 7g (0.25oz)